Bloomy Cake Journey Begin

Digamber Deshmukh
3 min readMay 11, 2021


“Our Journey Begin”

The New Year began with a lot of energy, with a warm and enthusiastic welcome. There were so many ideas, plan and hopes to do something positive and very innovative in the New Year. Before the life in the Covid-19 pandemic stared to be a new normal, it was a typical unrestricted life where we were free to go anywhere, free to eat or teste specialties from some of our favorite places in the town.

As march hit, the government started lockdowns across the country for the health and safety of our people. In fact, many of us have experienced this lockdown situation for the first time in our life. Our desire to go outside teste different food recipes and desserts outside are limited even now, given anxiety to get potentially infected. We are mostly restricted to home-cooked food and a small “commute” from our bedrooms to our living rooms for work. As everyone has found a way to cope with this new normal, some of us have turned chefs and tried out different recipes.

Although our inner chefs have awakened, the desire to try new recipes and fulfill our teste buds with our favorite foods and desserts is challenged by the need for a lot of ingredients, time, effort and the culinary mastery for sure. Procuring such ingredients from a nearby grocery store can go in vain that often runs out of stock in this pandemic time. You can look at the recipes, old photos, and sometimes get saddened by the fact that you cannot make them and so on. This was the beginning of our journey to make tasty and beautiful homemade cakes.

We have explained ourselves to move into the new normal in our Shanti gram and nearby villages family to serve everyone’s favorite cakes.

We are Bloomy cakes, providing some homemade, fresh, healthy, tasty and beautiful eggless cakes for our Shanti gram & nearby villages family members. We are offering a variety of cakes with different flavors that are freshly baked and contain fresh ingredients without any preservatives. We have maintained proper hygiene conditions in the process and we deliver fresh cakes to your home to let you fulfill your cravings just from the conform at your home. We will plan for expanding our homemade small business into big bakery in our hometown. We have also plan for teaching baking online through our channel & brand of “Bloomy Cake” in future addition of our business plan expanding within one years.

Digamber Deshmukh

